telescope is an optical instrument that allows you to see from afar, especially celestial bodies thanks to a lens that concentrates the light rays that make up the image of the object and a lens that magnifies the image.

What is a telescope?

The word telescope comes from the prefix “tele” and the suffix “scopio”. For centuries it has been a fundamental element for astronomy.

For example Galileo Galilei in 1610 used a telescope to see the nature of certain celestial bodies such as the moon, stars and Jupiter and since then humanity has used them to locate what exists in the sky, the details of the planets, galaxies, etc. .

Different types of telescopes:

There are different types of telescopes:

• Reflecting telescope. Use mirrors instead of glasses.

• Refractor Telescope. Uses a converging lens system.

• Cassegrain telescope. Use three mirrors.

What are the most famous telescopes?

• Hubble Space Telescope: It is in orbit outside the Earth’s atmosphere so that the images are not distorted by refraction.

• Very Large Telescope: It is the largest that exists. It is made up of four telescopes. It is located in the Atacama Desert and belongs to the European Southern Observatory.

• Gran Telescopio Canarias : It is the largest single mirror in the world.

• Hale Telescope: It is located on Mount Palomar.

• Vatican Telescope: It is one of the oldest astronomical observatories in the world.

Samantha Robson
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Dr. Samantha Robson ( CRN: 0510146-5) is a nutritionist and website content reviewer related to her area of ​​expertise. With a postgraduate degree in Nutrition from The University of Arizona, she is a specialist in Sports Nutrition from Oxford University and is also a member of the International Society of Sports Nutrition.

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