The benefits of green tea are numerous, every day they increase and new properties are found on it. The most common are its antioxidant or weight loss properties.
What is it for :
• Reduces the risk of cancer.
• Fight aging
-Prevents wrinkles.
-Strengthens the bones
-Prevents obesity
-Strengthens memory
-It is a hepatoprotective
-Protects from food poisoning.
-Stimulates immunity.
-Relieves asthma.
-Contributes in the treatment against herpes.
-Reduce stress.
-Mimicates HIV.
-Prevents cardiovascular diseases.
-Helps to lose weight.
-Reduces the risk of arthritis.
-Helps reduce cholesterol levels.
-It is good for diabetes.
-Protects against Parkinson’s disease.
-Prevents hypertension,
-Reduces blood glucose levels.
-Avoid flu and colds
-Fights infections in the ears.
-Prevents cavities.
-Relieves allergies.
How you can consume green tea to make the most of its benefits:
-Green tea infusions: take it alone or mix it with some other varieties of tea, spices or herbs.
-Green tea in capsules: they are supplements that perfectly replace the infusion of green tea
-Shakes with green tea: they are refreshing. This infusion pairs perfectly with citrus and tropical fruits in general.
-Matcha powder: a variety of green tea, provides great health benefits
-Remedies with green tea: due to its properties, it can be combined with other ingredients to prepare remedies for internal and external consumption.
Dr. Samantha Robson ( CRN: 0510146-5) is a nutritionist and website content reviewer related to her area of expertise. With a postgraduate degree in Nutrition from The University of Arizona, she is a specialist in Sports Nutrition from Oxford University and is also a member of the International Society of Sports Nutrition.