The numbers are the symbols used to represent quantities. Thanks to them we can express everything that exists in an exact or approximate way, to interact with the world around us. Numbers are involved in all scientific observations, and through their use we have gained knowledge throughout history.The thinkers of ancient Greece conceived of numbers as elements to interpret the universe and everything . Cosmic numerology, originating between them, assigns each number from 1 to 10 a special role that describes the harmony of reality. These weights are:

  • The 1 represents the origin of everything that exists. It is the number of the reason.
  • The 2 is duality, diversity and opinion. It is a male number.
  • The 3 is harmony, a combination of unity plus diversity. It is a female number.
  • The 4 is the representation of justice and sensation. Universal and inevitable law. Double duality. It is 2 squared: 2 2 .
  • The 5 is the sum of 2 + 3, masculine plus feminine; therefore, it represents marriage.
  • The 6 is the sum of 2 + 3 + 1, so it represents procreation, the son: male + female + 1.
  • The seven is the number of colors in the rainbow, so it represents the light. Also virginity and voice.
  • The 8 represents friendship, fulfillment and reflection. It’s 2 3 , the first cube.
  • The 9 is 3 Square: 3 2 . Represents pregnancy and love.
  • The 10 is a supreme number represents God and the Universe.

What are the numbers for?

Numbers have become more and more known thanks to the foundations laid by the work of the mathematician Gauss. Their natures and functions have been better established.

The numbers are for:

  • Tell
  • Do arithmetic operations
  • Develop calculations
  • Know the properties of an object
  • Generate new knowledge


The numbers are used to count, that is, to indicate the number of objects that are present in a place. Since they are infinite, they are the universal system to count up to the stars that exist in the universe, without being exhausted or becoming incapable of representing them. Even when what is being counted does not even reach the integer (the number 1), decimal numbers can be used.

Decimal numbers, whose definition will be explained later, are used to express quantities less than 1, as when we count the tons of rice in a small bag. If the bag contains 250 grams, this equates to 0.000250 tons. Numbers have the power to quantify everything, and systems like scientific notation have been created to simplify this.

Do arithmetic operations

The basic arithmetic operations are: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. The numbers, accompanied by the signs plus (+), minus (-), by (x) or between (∕), serve to represent them when it is necessary to know the result of increasing or reducing what is counted. Thanks to arithmetic operations, more complex calculations can be performed.

Develop calculations

Numbers are used to handle quantities and perform various mathematical operations, which will lead to the calculation of a quantity that needs to be known. In engineering, numbers are combined with units of measure to know what is being talked about during the development of a calculation. For example, to calculate the tons of cement to be used for a building.

Know the properties of an object

Scientific observation requires first assigning magnitudes to an object or phenomenon, in order to give the quality of “real” to its characteristics . The units of measurement for them can be kilograms (Kg) for its mass, square meters (m 2 ) for the area it covers, cubic meters (m 3 ) for its volume, Newton (N) for its weight, among many others.

The numbers will express the amount in which these magnitudes are present. For instance:

  • One person can weigh 70 kg
  • A piece of land can measure 750 m 2
  • A bundle of cement can weigh 320 N
  • A glass of water can measure 500 cm 3

Generate new knowledge

Thanks to scientific observation, accompanied by numbers and units of measurement, new knowledge can be established. The field of astrophysics, for example, is capable of giving us discoveries that are verifiable by means of equations and quantifiable by placing real values ​​in them through numbers.

In this way, it has been possible to unleash experimentation and the emergence of essential data today, such as the value of universal constants, say the speed of light (300,000 km / s), the acceleration of gravity (9.81 m / s 2 ), the gas constant (0.082 atm * l / mol * K, or 1.987 cal / mol * K, or 8.314 J / mol * K).

Samantha Robson
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Dr. Samantha Robson ( CRN: 0510146-5) is a nutritionist and website content reviewer related to her area of ​​expertise. With a postgraduate degree in Nutrition from The University of Arizona, she is a specialist in Sports Nutrition from Oxford University and is also a member of the International Society of Sports Nutrition.

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