Mind maps are tools that help identify and organize everything that is already known about a topic. They represent the way the person who does it thinks. Its structure serves to better visualize and control the subject to be exhibited. In them you can place many ideas in a very small space and allow you to have a detailed and general vision on a specific topic.

Basically, the mind map a system for making a visual representation of a topic, an idea, aconcept. Mind maps are very useful not only for storing new definitions, but also for generating new concepts, through brainstorming techniques.

Benefits of mind maps

Mind maps take advantage of personal and group creative abilities. They also allow perceiving the sensations created through images and colors, in an associative chain that increasingly leaves open more than one key to interpret them.

By using mind maps we obtain the following benefits:

  • We can work both sides of the brain, the left side associated with logic and the right side associated with imagination.
  • They allow us to understand a topic or concept faster.
  • Make links between ideas.
  • We can quickly capture information by adding colors and illustrations.
  • They help us to work as a team, using the brainstorming technique.
  • A mind map is constantly evolving, as its structure can be constantly rearranged or enriched with new ideas that come to mind.
  • It develops learning and is a good support to activate memory and return information to the brain.

In the workplace, they can be very helpful in supporting communication, coordinating ideas, and team building to promote dialogue, understanding and brainstorming.

Structure of a mind map

Mind maps have a hierarchical-associative structure. This means that there are only two types of connections that can be created:

  • Hierarchical: that connects each element with the one that precedes it.
  • Associative: linking hierarchically ordered elements at different points on the map.

The backbone of a mind map is hierarchical. Associative relations help to increase its expressiveness, highlighting the presence of transversal links through arrows. In a hierarchical mind map, the central element is connected to the first elements of the first level and these in turn are connected to the elements of the second level.

In general, the graphic arrangement of the elements is radial, but it is possible to extend these considerations to other forms of connection, such as that of a tree.

Types of mind maps

There are three types of mind maps, which are:

  • Cognitive-circular map: these are mental maps whose structure resembles a jellyfish. In the first box the title of the topic is written and in the next box the division of the topic is noted. The characteristics of the theme are noted on the final lines next to each subtitle.
  • Honeycomb cognitive map: the structure of this type of mental map consists of placing hexagons in such a way that they form a honeycomb. They are used to organize and classify information. The titles of the topics go in the center of each hexagon.
  • Rainbow Cognitive Map: The diagram in this mind map is similar to a rainbow where the topic title is placed at one end. The characteristics of the topic are placed in each arc on the extreme left, while the title of the subtopic goes in the central part and on the extreme right the result or end of the exposed topic is placed.

How to make a mind map?

In a mind map, it is important to choose the elements that will be inserted in an appropriate way, both textually and graphically, since this choice makes mental resonances useful for representation and for the evocation of new concepts that will be connected.

When you are preparing to make a mind map, you should always start from a center, identifying the main topics on which to develop the different levels. During the draw it is possible to rethink, integrate and eliminate. But the important thing is to follow the principle according to which the main element is positioned closer to the center than in terms of details.

How to make a mind map?

To make a mind map that makes sense and is effective, the following steps should be taken:

  • Think of a central concept, which should not consist of more than a couple of words. The simpler the initial definition, the better the ability to link it with other concepts.
  • Draw a picture that represents the main theme. Start in the center, using different colors. Use a white sheet horizontally, as the panorama mode provides the feeling of openness.
  • Start with writing down everything that comes to mind as you formulate thoughts. Draw branches that start from the main concept and use as few words as possible.
  • Remember to use colors as much as possible, to increase the impact of each element.
  • Keep crafting branches until all the ideas are on the map.
  • Connect each element with a line. Draw colored lines and curves to stimulate the brain. Each line should end with the element that emphasizes that image or word, avoiding lines that are too short or too long with respect to the keyword.
  • Write a keyword for each line.Each keyword must be represented by a different emphasis, it must be clear and unambiguous.
  • Develop key definitions in an orderly and hierarchical way, drawing finer lines and gradually smaller words as you work your way out.
  • Draw icons to help you focus information and remember it, while stimulating creativity.
  • Customize the map as much as possible, through codes or special symbols.

Rules for creating mind maps

To make a mind map successfully, the following rules must be taken into account:

  • A colored image is placed in the center of the page or sheet.
  • Main ideas develop from the center in the form of branches and should be written in larger type than secondary ideas.
  • One word for each branch. Each word activates a large number of associations, and this rule leaves each one free to form other associations in your brain.
  • Always use capital letters. It reads better and prints better than italics.
  • Words should always be written on top of the branches.
  • The branches must always be connected with the previous and following ones, this helps the mind to associate and they must be the same length as the words.
  • Using as many images as possible this helps to develop an approach that involves the whole brain.
  • Resize  when possible so it stands out from view, is easier to remember, and varies the shape of the lines.
  • Use  numbers, codes, lists, links, arrows, symbols, numbers, letters, images, colors, sizes, outlines.

Tips for making an effective mind map

  • Avoid getting stuck in one place, but keep ideas flowing.
  • Avoid self-censorship on the mind map, as it should promote the free expression of your ideas.
  • If necessary, combine multiple sheets.
  • Use a variety of colors to make the map more effective, immediate, and memorable.
  • Use a different color for each branch so you can memorize them better.
  • Where possible, replace words with pictures.
  • Try to keep the map in order. A confusing map will be difficult to reread at a later time and will defeat the memorization process.
  • By varying the format and size of the branches, characters, images and elements can be better highlighted, establishing a hierarchy of importance among them.

Tools for Mind Mapping

There are some applications that allow you to create digital maps similar to mind maps that are made on paper. They offer metal maps with a hierarchical-associative model and are particularly rich in graphic elements.

These 5 free tools will make it easier for you to create a mind map and these tools are:

us : This tool is very simple and you do not need to register. You just have to choose if you want to build a simple mind map on the fly for printing or downloading. It is very rich in examples and allows the collaboration of the same work by several people.

MindMeister : Available in a free basic version and a paid option. It comes with a very intuitive interface. The tool is ideal for those who must collaborate in the creation of the map, with the possibility of discussing projects in real time and seeing the different saved versions.

SpiderScribe : s another tool for creating mind maps in the cloud, with the possibility of accessing the work carried out at any time and with different devices. Also in this case, personal accounts are free. The most interesting thing is the ability to integrate your own mind map on the website.

Mind42  : It exists only in a free version and can be used only if you register. Extremely easy to use, it has a very detailed guide to the tools available. In addition to allowing collaboration between multiple users, it provides the import of maps already made with other software.

Mindomo  It is in a free version and with different payment limits. Provides a set of graphic themes to apply or from which to take an example, it is possible to choose according to the style of the map.

Conclusion: Is it advisable to use mind maps?

The use of mind maps is recommended, as it stimulates the creativity of the brain. It also helps the learning of infants, because mind maps are easy to do, this results in the infant or adult processing information in an easier and faster way.

Samantha Robson
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Dr. Samantha Robson ( CRN: 0510146-5) is a nutritionist and website content reviewer related to her area of ​​expertise. With a postgraduate degree in Nutrition from The University of Arizona, she is a specialist in Sports Nutrition from Oxford University and is also a member of the International Society of Sports Nutrition.

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