The mango or also known as the peach of the tropics, is a fruit that belongs to the trees of the genus mangifera , which is native to South Asia and is grown in countries with a warm climate. This fruit is one of the most consumed worldwide, since in addition to having a very particular flavor, it is characterized by being rich in vitamins and minerals.

According to studies, mango contains many nutritional properties that help improve and maintain the health of the body. That is why it is ideal for this fruit to be consumed regularly, as it is used to treat cardiovascular diseases, eliminate toxins, strengthen bones, improve digestion, prevent cancer and even help with skin and hair care.

Mango benefits

The mango is characterized by having a unique and refreshing flavor; In addition, it contains many nutritional properties that are ideal for health, since it provides multiple benefits, which is why it is one of the most consumed fruits in the world. Among the most important benefits that mango provides are the following:

Prevents cardiovascular diseases

Mango, being a fruit that contains fiber and many vitamins, helps reduce bad cholesterol; thus reducing the risk of heart-related diseases. It also allows you to regulate blood pressure, keeping it within healthy limits, due to the fact that its components include potassium and magnesium

Strengthens bones

The lack of vitamin K in the body increases the risk of suffering from osteoporosis or suffering a fracture. That is why mango, by containing this vitamin, helps to strengthen bones and prevent osteoporosis.

Improves digestion

Mango provides digestive enzymes that help the body break down food, in addition, because it has a large amount of fiber, it helps to combat constipation, therefore, it is recommended to drink mango juice after lunch.

Ideal for anemia

When you don’t get enough iron, you can get anemia; thus suffering decay due to the lack of oxygen in the body. Therefore, consuming mango is ideal to combat anemia, since it is a fruit rich in vitamin C and iron.

Fight cancer

Consuming mango can help prevent some types of cancer such as breast, prostate, colon and leukemia, since its antioxidant properties make it ideal to combat the formation of free radicals that cause this disease.

Helps control heartburn

This fruit is a good ally for the stomach, since being alkalizing, it can help reduce heartburn; thus avoiding the appearance of various gastrointestinal diseases such as gastritis.

Skin care

The mango is ideal for skin care, since thanks to the fact that it contains many vitamins, it helps to eliminate scars, blemishes, blackheads and any other impurities on the skin; thus leaving it smoother and healthier.

In addition, due to its high content of antioxidants, it serves to combat the signs of premature aging.

Treat respiratory problems

Mango contains vitamin C, which is why it is an ideal fruit to strengthen the immune system and prevent some respiratory problems such as bronchitis, flu, colds, asthma, among others.

Useful for visual health

According to several studies, the mango serves as a protector in the health of the eyes in general, since it contains vitamin A and antioxidant properties. That is why its consumption is highly recommended for those who suffer from eye problems such as night blindness, dry eye, softening of the cornea and itching in the area.

Eliminate and prevent kidney stones

Mango is a fruit that is used to eliminate kidney stones that form in the kidneys, since by containing antioxidant and cleansing properties, it helps to expel toxic substances from the body

Protects and cares for hair

Mango is a good ally for people who have dry and damaged hair, since thanks to its components, it keeps it hydrated, soft and healthy; in addition, it helps to avoid the fall of the same.

Mango properties

Mango is a fruit that is characterized by being rich in nutrients and by its high water content, in addition, it has many properties that serve to keep the body healthy; thus preventing certain diseases from occurring.

Among the vitamins and minerals that mango contains are:

  • Iron.
  • Copper.
  • Magnesium.
  • Football.
  • Potassium.
  • Sodium.
  • Zinc.
  • Vitamin A.
  • Vitamins of group B.
  • C vitamin.
  • Vitamin E.
  • Vitamina K.

It also contains several very beneficial properties, among which the following stand out:

  • Antioxidant
  • Diuretic.
  • Anticancerígeno.
  • Digestive.

Ways to consume mango: What are the most frequent?

Mango is a very versatile fruit, since it can be consumed in different ways; However, the best option to enjoy it and obtain its nutrients is in its natural form, although it can also be used in the preparation of juices, cakes, compotes, ice creams, jams and you can even add pieces of mango to accompany various salads.

Before consuming the mango in any of its forms, it is necessary to make a good choice of it, for this it is important that it has a good smell and that it is flexible but that it does not sink with the pressure that is made at the moment of touch. In addition, it is advisable to avoid those that contain many spots, wrinkles or black areas.

Mango contraindications

Despite the fact that mango is a very healthy fruit, it is necessary that its consumption be in moderation, since as with any other food, an excess of it can be counterproductive. Reason why its intake is contraindicated for the following cases:

  • People who suffer from kidney failure: because this fruit can work as a diuretic, people who suffer from kidney failure should consume mango in moderation, otherwise it could cause them certain problems.
  • People with medical treatments: it is necessary that those people who are ingesting some type of medicine do not consume mango, since the combination of both could alter the effects.

What side effects can mango produce?

Mango can cause some side effects to health, although these are mild and disappear quickly, caution is necessary to prevent them from occurring. In general, these effects arise from hypersensitivity to some of its components or from excessive consumption of it.

Among the adverse effects that mango can cause are:

  • Headaches.
  • Allergies and irritations.
  • Diarrhea and colic
  • Accumulation of gases and flatulence.

Conclusion: Is mango consumption recommended?

Mango is a fruit that contains many properties and vitamins, which turn out to be very beneficial for the organism of those who consume it, since it allows treating different diseases; which is why its consumption is highly recommended.

However, despite the great benefits it provides to the body, its consumption can become counterproductive, this because, as with other foods, an excess of it can have side effects on the health of some people. That is why it is advisable to consume mango in adequate portions, and in combination with other fruits or vegetables, in order to complement the nutritional contributions and obtain more favorable results.

Samantha Robson
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Dr. Samantha Robson ( CRN: 0510146-5) is a nutritionist and website content reviewer related to her area of ​​expertise. With a postgraduate degree in Nutrition from The University of Arizona, she is a specialist in Sports Nutrition from Oxford University and is also a member of the International Society of Sports Nutrition.

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