The mamey is a fruit native to Central America, which is currently widely cultivated in Mexico and as a result, it is one of the most characteristic fruits of this country. Its scientific name is Pouteria Sapota and it is known, since mamey is used for various conditions and provides a significant amount of vitamins and minerals, components that favor the reduction of a large number of problems, not to mention that due to its taste, it serves to prepare many things, such as; desserts, salads, jams and juices.
This fruit is not only used to prepare a wide variety of things in the kitchen, but also to: regulate blood pressure, fight throat infections, prevent anemia, take care of the skin, promote hair growth and even Many people integrate this fruit in their daily diet, with the aim of losing weight, since it also serves to eliminate harmful fats.
Benefits of mamey
The mamey, also known as sapote in some countries, has a myriad of health benefits, among which the following can be mentioned:
Mamey helps with weight loss
Thanks to the high fiber and vitamin content that mamey has, it makes it a very useful fruit for those who want to lose weight and are doing exercise routines and healthy diets.
The mamey contributes to weight loss, because its components help to provide a feeling of fullness, favor the cleaning of the digestive system and prevent abdominal inflammation caused by poor digestion.
It favors the regulation of blood pressure
Sodium is a mineral that helps regulate blood pressure, however, despite the fact that mamey does not contain a high content of this mineral, it has enough to keep blood pressure stable and thus reduce diseases or symptoms caused due to high or very low blood pressure, although it must be taken into account that its effect in this regard is somewhat reduced.
Serves for people suffering from anemia
People who suffer from anemia are recommended to consume mamey, since this fruit contains a high level of potassium, as well as vitamins and minerals that help reduce the effects of anemia, and in turn, help to combat it successfully.
Serves for throat infections
The consumption of mamey helps to reduce the symptoms that occur due to infections, especially infections that occur in the throat, thanks to the properties, minerals and vitamins it has. It is recommended to gargle with the juice of this fruit, or drink infusions made with it if you want to obtain this benefit.
Helps regulate intestinal transit
The mamey is used to regulate intestinal transit, as it contains a large amount of fiber, which makes it easier to combat digestive problems such as diarrhea, constipation or abdominal bloating.
Provides energizing power
Since mamey contains a high potassium content, it makes it a very useful fruit for those people who require a high potassium content in their body, such as people who train or who practice some type of sports, which helps them to recover. the energy you lost during your exercise routine.
In addition, it can also be used by people who do not practice sports, since the energy it provides also contributes to the proper functioning of the brain.
It favors the improvement and conservation of vision
Thanks to its high content of vitamin A, mamey provides great benefits to visual health, which will favor the reduction of diseases such as cataracts, or loss of vision in general. As well as helping to reduce eye wear that is produced by the use of the computer, smartphones, reading, among others.
Contributes to hair growth
The vitamin A content that mamey contains favors hair growth and strengthening, which makes it grow healthier and stronger. On the other hand, studies have shown that vitamin A also favors the growth of eyelashes, so it is not ruled out that consuming mamey favors their growth.
It is useful for skin care
The mamey contains vitamin A and vitamin C, which provide a high level of antioxidants, favoring the delay in the aging of cells, and at the same time it favors cell regeneration. All these benefits make mamey a very useful fruit for skin care.
In addition, the content of these vitamins provides a moisturizing power, which helps prevent or cure dry skin.
Properties of mamey
The mamey is a fruit that has many benefits and properties that favor health. Among the most important properties of mamey, the following stand out:
- Antioxidant properties.
- Diuretic properties.
- Moisturizing properties.
- Rejuvenating properties.
- Antibiotic properties.
On the other hand, the consumption of mamey provides a large amount of vitamins and minerals that promote health. Among the most important minerals and vitamins that mamey has, the following stand out:
- Vitamin A.
- C vitamin.
- Potassium.
- Sodium.
- Fiber.
Ways to consume mamey to make the most of its benefits
The mamey is a very versatile fruit that can be consumed in various ways. Generally, its most common consumption is naturally, however, there are other ways in which it can be consumed, among which the following stand out:
- Of natural form.
- In juices, smoothies or mamey juices.
- In salads mixed with other fruits.
- In sweets, such as cakes, mousse, among others.
- In infusions.
Contraindications of the consumption of mamey
The consumption of mamey provides many health benefits, however, there are some cases in which its consumption could be contraindicated. Among the most prominent cases, the following are mentioned:
People intolerant to any of its components
There are people who are intolerant to some vitamins or minerals, that is why before eating any fruit it is necessary to verify what its components are, in order to avoid any contraindication.
Therefore, if you have some type of intolerance to any component of mamey, you should not consume it if you do not want to suffer side effects. Therefore, it is recommended to consult a doctor before doing so.
Pregnant or breastfeeding women
Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding, should consult with their doctor about any fruit or food added to the diet, in order to have the approval of the specialist and avoid any contraindication or side effect that may occur.
Conclusion: Is the consumption of this fruit adequate to improve overall health?
In general, the consumption of mamey is highly recommended, since it provides innumerable health benefits, thanks to its high content of vitamins and minerals.
Although there are some cases in which its consumption is contraindicated, in the same way this fruit provides many benefits to those people who can consume it with peace of mind, therefore, its consumption is totally recommended, since it provides many benefits and very few risks.
What should be taken into account is that it is recommended that its consumption be moderate, since an excessive intake of this fruit or any other, is counterproductive.
Dr. Samantha Robson ( CRN: 0510146-5) is a nutritionist and website content reviewer related to her area of expertise. With a postgraduate degree in Nutrition from The University of Arizona, she is a specialist in Sports Nutrition from Oxford University and is also a member of the International Society of Sports Nutrition.