The magnesium chloride is a chemical compound comprising chlorine and magnesium, which provides great benefits for the proper development of the health of humans. It helps prevent various diseases, so it is important to add it to the daily diet and thus prevent the body from weakening.
It is a nutritional supplement that works to keep the body free of infections, young and full of vitality and is very useful for all ages.
Despite being a compound that contains a wide variety at an industrial level, it also becomes a satisfactory component to beautify and favor the body due to its magnificent and important properties. However, it must be borne in mind that like any component it can manifest some contradictions that should not be missed.
Magnesium Chloride Benefits
Consuming it gives many benefits to the human body in different ways, here are some of them:
Reduce the cholesterol
Magnesium has the property of controlling cholesterol levels, if they are high it helps them to go down to their normal state.
Purifies the blood
It keeps the blood clean and balances its pH.
Regulates kidney health
It is one of the most effective natural alternatives, to improve the proper functioning of the kidneys, helping them to eliminate excess accumulated acids.
Eliminate fatigue and tiredness
It has an analgesic power that relieves muscle aches and cramps, it also increases the physical performance of athletes, which helps to further strengthen their muscles.
Lower levels of anxiety and depression
It contains a substance that controls mental balance and nerve impulses, it can also act as an antidepressant or anxiolytic in a natural way.
Helps maintain healthy bones
Strengthens bone structure and keeps teeth strong and solid.
Fight constipation and regulate digestion
Magnesium chloride intervenes favorably in digestion, helping it retain the water that the intestines need so that the stool is softer and can be expelled easily. At the same time, it helps the digestive system to relax and detoxify.
Fight warts and tumors
Its consumption eliminates free radicals, since it controls the action of other minerals that allow malformations of cell levels that cause tumors and annoying warts.
Prevents osteoporosis
Its properties help to fix calcium, so that bone density remains healthy.
Keeps the heart healthy
This compound is very useful for keeping the heart relaxed, which is why it helps prevent coronary spasms and prevents arteries, cardiac arrhythmias and heart attacks from calcifying.
Prevent arthritis
Consuming magnesium chloride prevents uric acid from concentrating in the joints, which helps to relieve joint pain affected by arthritis.
Eliminate allergies
Its powerful operation lowers the levels of histamine that circulate within the body, eliminating strong allergic reactions.
Prevents aging
It promotes collagen, which helps to regenerate the skin and protects it from the strong rays of the sun that produce unpleasant spots.
It is a supplement for pregnancy
Women who include this component in their diet during pregnancy, help their baby to be born strong and healthy, it is also excellent to prevent preeclampsia.
It benefits the memory
It has the ability to form neurotransmitters that are needed to improve and maintain a healthy memory.
Magnesium Chloride for Weight Loss
When magnesium chloride is increased as a supplement in the daily diet, it can be useful for weight loss, as it contains slimming qualities. They are between them:
- The reduction of anxiety, to avoid overeating: its components help to avoid compulsive eating, relieve anxiety about food and relax the nerves in a natural way.
- It works as a mild natural laxative: it has the quality of relaxing the intestinal muscles, making constipation and inflammation of the abdomen disappear.
Ways to consume magnesium chloride
Magnesium chloride is a chemical supplement and an essential mineral for the proper functioning of the body, since it has the virtue of preventing diseases and other benefits, therefore, it is important to increase it in the daily diet. Then you will know what magnesium chloride is used for in its various forms to consume it:
In food
The best way to acquire vitamins and minerals naturally is through food, this makes it healthier. Nuts, coffee, meats and dairy products contain a high potential for magnesium chloride.
A spray
It can be easily obtained in pharmacies or supermarkets, its effectiveness is almost at the level of natural products that contain this mineral. Its daily consumption helps prevent aging, cares for the skin and helps metabolism.
Magnesium chloride capsules
It is the easy and comfortable way to consume it, they can last in good condition for a long time at home. To be more effective, you should only consume a 500 milligram capsule 3 times a day after meals.
Magnesium chloride dosage
The recommended dose will depend on the need or age of each person.
- If taken preventively, it is sufficient to take it only in the morning and at night for several days.
- If it is due to a mild illness, it can also be taken in the same way, adding a few more days, after the problem has been resolved.
- If the intake is due to acute illness, it is recommended to take the dose every 3 hours, then every 6 hours and finally every 12 hours, this will depend on the patient’s conditions.
Magnesium Chloride Side Effects
Despite its great benefits, it can sometimes generate some adverse effects so it should be avoided. Among them are:
- Kidney failure: although it benefits the functioning of the kidneys, in case of failure it can promote the formation of kidney stones
- Diarrhea: because it works by nature as a laxative, it is not recommended while suffering from this discomfort.
- Colitis: Like diarrhea, it should be avoided until the colitis passes.
Conclusion of the use of magnesium chloride
To conclude, it is important to mention that magnesium chloride is an essential chemical compound for health, its operation is of great importance to help in everything that refers to intestinal, cardiovascular and carcinogenic diseases, so it is recommended to consume it daily through foods that contain this component.
Dr. Samantha Robson ( CRN: 0510146-5) is a nutritionist and website content reviewer related to her area of expertise. With a postgraduate degree in Nutrition from The University of Arizona, she is a specialist in Sports Nutrition from Oxford University and is also a member of the International Society of Sports Nutrition.