The origin of this garment dates back to the 1700s BC, when women used tight corsets in their extravagant dresses, in order to enhance their figure, shrinking their waist and lifting the bust. Over the years, the girdles were undergoing modifications that allowed them to adapt to the lifestyle and needs of those who used them, until they reached what is known today; which is a garment, which, like hundreds of years ago, serves to tighten the woman’s abdomen, with the aim of highlighting her figure.

According to public opinion, the use of them is uncomfortable most of the time, however, sometimes they are really necessary, since they provide various aesthetic and health benefits

Benefits of girdles

The improvements perceived by the person who decides to use this type of garment are directly related to the type chosen, the mode of use and the reason why it is used. Generally, the routine of putting on a girdle is tied to a previous recommendation or prescription from a specialist, but there are those who get used to using them on a medical basis; and regardless of the reason, girdles provide a wide variety of benefits, such as:

For orthopedic purposes

When a person suffers a low back injury, they must undergo a series of rigorous treatments to avoid serious complications that make their situation worse. In these cases, specialists prescribe the use of special girdles that serve as a preventive and curative means of the injury (the treatment specifications will depend on the degree of the injury).

These girdles promote better posture, improving the ability of the back muscles to bear weight, which manages to relieve the spine and reduce possible pain, especially after a lumbar injury.

In general, they are manufactured with 4 layers of material: latex, polyamide, elastomer covered with polyester and monofilament; all this with the intention of providing the user with ample comfort, accompanied by excellent lumbar and abdominal support.

For postoperative processes

They are an essential part of the recovery process from a surgical intervention (in the abdominal area), since they bring a variety of positive points to the patient, among which the following can be mentioned:

  • They speed up the disappearance of bruises in the intervened areas : the correct and constant use avoids the retention of liquids in the patient, which manages to dissipate the bruises produced by the operation more quickly.
  • They facilitate healing : thanks to the localized pressure in the affected area, the skin adheres without complications, achieving excellent healing.
  • They reduce inflammation : the compression made by the combination of fabric and elastic, reduces swelling in the area.
  • They provide comfort : because they successfully immobilize all the affected tissue, the patient can move without feeling discomfort or taking risks. In addition, they sometimes also keep the bandages or curettage in place.

To reduce the waist and abdomen

In this case, the benefits that are perceived are merely aesthetic, even so, it is recommended that the user be guided by the indications of a specialist in nutrition or physical training.

To achieve a better figure through the use of girdles, it is necessary to combine it with a healthy eating plan and physical exercise. The evolution that this provides is mainly due to the compression in the areas and the generation of heat (since the materials with which they are manufactured increase sweating, promoting the burning of body fat).

If what you want is to reduce measurements, it is extremely important to carefully choose the type of girdle to use, since many of those that are marketed in the market, only mold the figure while it is used, that is to say; it leaves no long-term effect.

Types of girdles

In addition to its previously described uses, the market offers different types of girdles, which have specific qualities in terms of benefits and manufacturing.

Among the types of girdles that are currently available, are the following:

  • Made of latex : they are the most common type, ideal for people who suffer from fluid retention, since their material encourages sweating, which promotes the release of toxins from the body.
  • Made of plaster : it is one of the least ancient. It works like an adjustable corset and can be placed anywhere on the body (mainly for aesthetic purposes, as it serves to firm the abdomen).
  • Molders : they are made with lycra and rods, providing a better figure to whoever uses them. In general, they can be adjusted as the person requires a smaller size.
  • Lifters : they focus on providing firmness to areas that tend to be flaccid (hips, legs, buttocks).
  • Postpartum : they must be used under strict medical supervision, around their benefits, they help to eliminate the flaccidity of the abdomen after pregnancy, also achieving that the uterus returns to its original position.
  • For the gym : they are used by men and women to maintain the best possible posture during physical exercise hours. This reduces the chances of suffering a muscle tear due to bad movements, and also helps with the toning process of the body. In general, they are used on top of clothing and are in bright colors, the most famous in the market are manufactured in Colombia.

How to choose the ideal size?

This is an important factor, since depending on the size, the results will be more or less significant. Among the aspects that must be taken into account for this, are the following:

  • If the garment is to be used daily, choose one or two sizes less than that normally used in clothing.
  • When it comes to a post-operative, the ideal is to wear the same size that is used in the pants. This may vary if the operation was performed for aesthetic purposes, in these cases, it is recommended to use up to two sizes less than that used in clothing (since interventions such as liposuction or liposculpture require a strict skin adhesion process).
  • On the other hand, for postpartum recovery, the prior advice of the specialist must be strictly followed (you should never start using a girdle, without your approval).

General recommendations on the use of girdles

There are many recommendations to take into account when using girdles, however, some of them may vary, depending on the type of girdle and the use that you want to give it. Among the recommendations that should be taken into account about the use of girdles, are the following:

  • Start using it for a short time (around 30 minutes or an hour) and gradually increase the hours. In this way, the habit will not be invasive and it will be easier to get used to.
  •  Unpleasant sensations should never be endured, if the garment is bothersome, it has to be removed immediately.
  •  Ladies should avoid its use during the menstrual cycle.
  •  Ideally, remove it at bedtime and when you are digesting.
  •  Always opt for neutral tones or nudes, to hide them as best as possible under clothing.
  •  It is preferable to use it when the person will spend more time standing than sitting.
  •  You should drink enough water (2 liters minimum) to avoid dehydration, since the body is in the process of eliminating fluids.
  • Keep the skin well clean and hydrated.
  • Continuously take measurements of the areas covered by the garment. This will help to know the evolution that is experienced and to determine when it is necessary to make an adjustment in size.
  • Wash the garment constantly (once a week or every 4 days), in addition, neutral or mild soaps should be used and it should never be twisted to wring it (as it can ruin the properties of the fabric).

It is important to mention that it is best to consult a specialist before using girdles.

Disadvantages of shapewear: side effects of shapewear

If this garment is not properly used, whoever wears it may suffer consequences both in their figure and in health in general, the following effects being the most significant:

  • The organs are constantly under pressure, which in the long term can cause respiratory diseases or constipation.
  • If an unfavorable size or model is used, it is possible to remove imperfections (rolls or folds) where there were none before.
  • It is very easy to get skin fungus, since perspiration accumulates between the skin and the fabric for many hours. Therefore, it should be checked that it is made with actibacterial and hypoallergenic materials.

Conclusion: Are girdles really good?

When you start using girdles, there is a whole world of options that offer different benefits, and if you make a good decision when choosing one and follow the instructions to the letter, it will be very easy to enjoy a pleasant experience. and with really positive results, since the girdles can be very good, as long as all the negative aspects and indications to follow are taken into account.

Samantha Robson
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Dr. Samantha Robson ( CRN: 0510146-5) is a nutritionist and website content reviewer related to her area of ​​expertise. With a postgraduate degree in Nutrition from The University of Arizona, she is a specialist in Sports Nutrition from Oxford University and is also a member of the International Society of Sports Nutrition.

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