The fiber is a set of natural compounds found in edible plants and that is not fully digested by the body, as it lacks the capacity to do so, but is fermented in part in the large intestine . It is very useful for the human body in the physiological realm.

Fiber is not considered a nutrient, since it does not participate in processes related to the metabolism of our body, however, it serves to optimize digestion and adequate fluid retention , so it is usually recommended as a supplement for weight reduction .

The way of consumption is very simple since it can be found in cereals, vegetables and certain fruits.

Fiber is used to lose weight

Fiber works for general weight loss, but it doesn’t really do it on its own. This is due to its multiple benefits, since it allows the intestinal flora to be kept clean, avoiding constipation thanks to the fact that it facilitates daily defecation, creating greater consistency and quantity of stool, which allows regulating physiological evacuations.

Fiber creates a feeling of satiety

On the other hand, it is a great food supplement in diets for weight reduction for the simple fact that it helps to create a greater feeling of fullness in food, so that the person is satisfied with what they consumed.

Fiber reduces cholesterol levels

It also reduces cholesterol and helps prevent cardiovascular diseases and even those related to the respiratory tract, thanks to the fact that it facilitates physiological processes, keeps the intestine clean and helps eliminate the probability of colon diseases such as cancer or diverticulosis.

Fiber is an ally in the treatment of diabetes

For people who suffer from diabetes, it is also a great supplement in the diet, since the fiber in the body helps in the control of glycemia, which keeps the person protected in the cardiovascular field.

Fiber promotes muscle toning

Fiber is also used by athletes to get more muscles, but this, like weight reduction diets, must be accompanied by the right foods and exercises for that purpose.

Does fiber really help you lose weight?

It should be noted that based on what has been explained, fiber on its own does not make a person lose weight. It is simply a dietary supplement that, thanks to its multiple benefits, helps or facilitates the weight loss process.

How is the fiber made?

Fiber is present in all products of plant origin. These are formed or composed of analogous substances, lignin, polysaccharides and oligosaccharides, which are molecules and polymers. Among the components that we can find in this type of substances are:

  • Cellulose: this is found in whole cereal flours and certain vegetables such as spinach.
  • Resistant starch: it can be found in tubers such as seeds and potatoes, as well as in other fruits.
  • Hemicellulose: found in whole grains of various cereals, it is a mixture of other components such as galactose and glucose.
  • Pectic substances: they are polymers found in the skin of certain fruits, that is, in the peel, as in the case of apples. It is also found in the pulp of strawberries and certain citrus fruits.
  • Inulin: it is a carbohydrate.
  • Non-carbohydrate compounds: are those present in insoluble fibers, capable of sweeping harmful substances from our body.
  • Tannins, cutin, proteins, among others.

On the other hand, fiber is divided into two forms, which are important to know and differentiate when eating, to know if you are consuming the necessary food for what you want to achieve with the specific type of fiber.

What is soluble fiber?

This particular type is one that helps slow down the digestive process. It attracts water and reduces cholesterol in the body. This fiber is what helps the creation of stool, keeping the intestine clean and helping in the defecation process, which is ideal for people who suffer from constipation.

As its name suggests, on contact with water it mixes, turning creamy, which is why the digestive system does not remove it so easily.

It is normally found in foods such as barley, oats, nuts, lentils, and seeds, as well as in certain fruits and vegetables. It also helps decrease the absorption of sugar and fat, which helps regulate blood cholesterol levels.

What is insoluble fiber?

These are found in whole grains, wheat, and certain vegetables. This type, on the contrary, is in charge of accelerating the passage of food through the stomach and intestines instead of slowing it down, capturing a small amount of water.

This type of fiber is not dissolved in water like the previous one and therefore, it is quickly expelled from the body. It works to clean the body completely through the feces, eliminating the chances of constipation and helping to eliminate all waste from our body.

As can be seen, both help in the processes of constipation, to improve people’s defecation, however, they have other characteristics that differentiate them and can be located in different types of food, which will also be mentioned later with greater detail.

It is recommended that in the diet we find a percentage of both types of fiber and do not focus on only one of them, as well as it is ideal that the source where it is consumed is varied and does not always go to the same type of cereal or fruit to provide that portion.

What are the highest fiber foods?

Food can be classified according to when it can be consumed (either at breakfast, lunch, snack or dinner).

  • In the case of breakfast or dinner, we can find this element in oats and whole or refined cereals.
  • We also have it in lentils, green beans, chickpeas and peas that we can consume for lunch. In the case of snacks, we can find fiber in chocolate, walnuts, almonds, pistachios, plums and raisins.
  • It is present in raw cereals and flours such as brown rice or cooked corn, in fruits such as coconut, loquat and in active brewer’s yeast.

On the other hand, there are compounds created by companies such as Herbalife, which provide these types of supplements for food that provide the same benefits to the body. In the case of Herbalife fiber, it is a compound that reduces stomach inflammation and regulates defecation.

Consumed properly, at the times and amounts necessary, these foods can allow the person to achieve better health at the intestinal level and can regulate everything related to stomach problems or discomfort, as well as allow you to maintain a healthy diet without suffering because the food is not abundant enough.

What are the risks in excessive fiber consumption?

  • The little moderate consumption of fiber can cause flatulence and stomach pain. It is important (especially if its consumption in the daily diet is not customary) that it is ingested sporadically and is added in a moderate way to the daily diet, so that in this way the body can get used to its intake.
  • In the most severe cases, intestinal obstruction can occur or prevent the flow of calcium, iron, or other important minerals through the body. Its consumption is not recommended in people who suffer from gastritis or other types of stomach-related illnesses.
  • It is important to maintain a very good hydration in any diet, especially in this type of diet supplemented with fiber, to avoid negative effects later because, as explained, it is not an element that the body digests in its entirety.
  • It is also highly recommended for people who consume fiber in their day to day exercise a lot, and it is of great importance that the need to defecate when required is not ignored, as this can be counterproductive, especially in people who suffer from constipation.


Fiber is a great option for people looking for a healthy and practical method to maintain a strict diet to lose weight, or for those who want to gain muscle by adding this intake to their routine along with exercises, and provides a solution for those who are just looking improve your bowel movement rate or cleanse your body regularly to maintain good health.

But, despite its multiple benefits and advantages, all the warnings and recommendations given above regarding the frequency of feeding, hydration and variation in food must be kept in mind, very important points to achieve the desired results while maintaining a healthy and adequate rhythm of life.

The importance of this is emphasized to avoid that, on the contrary, by consuming a lot of fiber in an incorrect way, more serious problems of constipation are created (due to lack of liquid, excess food or forced retention in the evacuation) or in other ways affect the rhythm of daily life of the person who consumes it.

Samantha Robson
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Dr. Samantha Robson ( CRN: 0510146-5) is a nutritionist and website content reviewer related to her area of ​​expertise. With a postgraduate degree in Nutrition from The University of Arizona, she is a specialist in Sports Nutrition from Oxford University and is also a member of the International Society of Sports Nutrition.

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