The eyebrows are lines of facial hair located a few centimeters above the eyes, whose shape varies depending on the genetics of the person. These have the main function, together with the eyelashes, of protecting the eyes from any external agent that may fall on them and damage them.

In addition, they have an important aesthetic function, giving a better appearance when they are cared for, at the same time that they frame the face. In the same way, they help to understand the moods of a person.

What is the function of the eyebrows?

The eyebrows work as a protective barrier, as this group of hairs retains any particles that are directed towards the eyes and may be harmful to them. In addition, its existence also implies another great variety of benefits, among which are mentioned:

Protect from sweat

Sweat plays an important role in cooling the body, but it is generated in all the pores of the skin, therefore, it is also generated in the upper part of the head and face. When this happens, it is the eyebrows that ensure that this body fluid does not reach the eyes, if not that it is retained in that barrier.

They take care of the eyes of the sunlight

Sunlight can damage the eyes directly, but also indirectly through some reflective surfaces. In this case, the eyebrows act by blocking a surface that could be reflective, which is why, in some sports that spend a long time in the sun, such as American football, the players paint a kind of artificial eyebrow on the upper part of your cheekbones, to avoid this reflection and thus achieve a better vision.

Protect from dust and other particles

As with sweat, the eyebrows function as a protective barrier against any type of particle, such as dust or sand, that can enter the eye due to the wind. These particles are retained in the eyebrows, so it is important to wash them regularly to avoid an opposite effect, where that retained dirt happens to hurt the eye.

Enhance the attractiveness of the face

Eyebrows frame the face, and when properly cared for, they can enhance a person’s beauty. That is why, when taking into account the type of face and the original growth of the eyebrows, a design is chosen that is more convenient to increase the attractiveness of the person.

Although it is commonly women who pay more attention to define them, men also benefit from this point, since a man with clean and slightly outlined eyebrows can be more attractive than those who do not usually take care of the appearance of their eyebrows.

Reflect facial expressions

The movement of the facial muscles in conjunction with the eyebrows, express the different states of mind that a person can have. For example, when raised, it usually means surprise or fear, while furrowed eyebrows can mean confusion or anger. In the same way, emotions such as suspicion, joy, nervousness or frustration can be distinguished.

They serve as language in certain cultures

Certain cultures use eyebrow movements as part of their language. For example, in certain Arab countries like Turkey, the act of raising the eyebrows denotes a denial, while in other countries like Tonga it means an affirmation to a statement.

Types of eyebrows

There can be many types of eyebrows, and normally the line of their original growth is followed, although in other cases, it is completely changed thanks to the wonders of advances in makeup.

They can be classified in two ways: according to their shape or their thickness, but a good combination of both is necessary to obtain more flattering results.

According to the shape

They depend on the design that they are given, some are more expressive than others, however, they must be used properly so as not to ruin the balance of facial features.

  • Flat eyebrows: They have a slightly curved shape that follows the shape of the eye, without any angle. Also, they are usually shorter than angular brows.
  • Curved eyebrows: They are outlined with a single curve, that is, an arch, rounding faces that can be very strong and square.
  • “S” shaped eyebrows: They have a convex shape in the first half and then a concave second half, which meet with a smooth transition.
  • Eyebrows with pronounced angles: They are eyebrows with a marked angle in the highest part of the arch, they usually denote youth, because they make the skin look smoother. However, care must be taken with this type of eyebrow, as they are aggressive if they are outlined incorrectly.
  • Eyebrows with soft angles: It is a type similar to the previous one, but a little more subtle, so that they are not as aggressive on certain faces, as the pronounced eyebrows do.

According to the thickness

Each of the forms of the eyebrows can be outlined with different thicknesses, for this, the type of face you have must also be taken into account.

  • Thick eyebrows: They give a more natural appearance, as well as more dramatic, they enhance the look and make it deeper. However, care must be taken with very dark colors so as not to obtain an unnatural result.
  • Thin eyebrows: They provide a more sophisticated style to the face, and are usually more appropriate for small faces that have delicate features.

Evolution of the eyebrows

Throughout the years, cultures have changed and with them, fashions. However, eyebrows have been an important part of fashion in each decade, constantly changing the way they define beauty.

The ancient Romans saw the unibrow as a sign of beauty, so they commonly used animal hair to fill in the space between both eyebrows. Whereas, in medieval times, they were completely eliminated because they were considered to ruin the beauty of the forehead.

However, throughout the 20th century, a cyclical trend was observed with the appearance of the eyebrows, constantly changing from thin brows to thick brows, back to thin and so on. In fact, during the 40’s, as in the 60’s, 90’s and 2000’s; Thin eyebrows predominated, with certain differences, some more dramatic, others smaller. But, mostly they were waxed and then a very fine line was drawn instead.

On the contrary, in the 50’s, 70’s, 80’s and today, the dominant eyebrows are the thick ones. In the 80’s they were much more natural than the eyebrows of the current trends, which are quite profiled and even micropigmented to give a more abundant appearance.

How to choose the right type of eyebrow?

Certainly, there are many types of eyebrows, which seek to adapt to each person and their features. However, when choosing a figure or type of eyebrow, it is necessary to take into account a series of recommendations, as this natural facial accessory must have an appearance that is appropriate to the proportions of the face.

First, it is recommended to use a color that is one or two tones below the hair color if it is dark, but if, on the contrary, the hair is light, the same tone or one above it is used.

Round and square faces are favored by angular eyebrows, since they give contrast, while flat eyebrows are suitable for long faces, as they help balance proportions. As for the thickness of the eyebrows, this is chosen according to how delicate the features of the face are. If the eyes are large, and the nose is wide, thick eyebrows give more character to the face, but on the contrary, if you have eyes and a small nose, it is advisable to use thin eyebrows.

Conclusion: Are eyebrows really necessary?

The eyebrows fulfill both biological and aesthetic functions in humans and some animals; Well, if these, the eyes would be vulnerable to any type of particle, which could cause irreparable damage to the sense of sight.

In addition, its role in body language facilitates interpersonal relationships, as does its aesthetic appearance. In fact, in Western culture it is believed that the appearance of a person’s eyebrows is a reflection of the care that they give to their body.

Samantha Robson
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Dr. Samantha Robson ( CRN: 0510146-5) is a nutritionist and website content reviewer related to her area of ​​expertise. With a postgraduate degree in Nutrition from The University of Arizona, she is a specialist in Sports Nutrition from Oxford University and is also a member of the International Society of Sports Nutrition.

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