Enzymatic Espaven is a medicine that helps fight dyspepsia, that is, all those disorders related to poor digestion. The therapeutic profile of such a drug has earned it great fame in recent times and has led to a significant consumption of it. Next, in detail, we will tell you what the Enzymatic Espaven is for.

What is the Enzymatic Espaven for?

As we announced in the introduction, the Enzymatic Espavén collaborates effectively in everything related to dyspepsia, that is, those disorders, discomfort and indigestion that occur in the upper area of ​​the belly. Among its main features is the characteristic of being antiflatulent and antimetheoric (elimination of the accumulation of gases in the belly that generates bulging). It is a drug highly requested by all people, since the bulk of the population usually has digestive problems (mild, continuous or serious), especially in times when the intake of certain foods can cause some problems.

Below we will detail what this drug is for, which eliminates and fights digestive disorders:

  • Dyspepsia, conditions that occur after the intake of drinks and meals, with high fat content. Abdominal pain, heaviness, burning, nausea and flatulence are some examples of the symptoms.
  • Insufficiency of the pancreas, which reduces the production of enzymes for food processing.
  • Postprandial flatulence, that is, that which occurs immediately after the person feeds.
  • Prevention of all complications as a corollary of having irritable bowel, diseases that generate intestinal pain and changes in motility. We are talking about a rality that oscillates between constipation and diarrhea.
  • Steatorrhea, a type of diarrhea characterized by the presence of fat in the stool.
  • Enzyme deficiencies in the body for various reasons.
  • Poor digestion of fats.

The composition of Enzymatic Espavén is particular, since it does not have a single molecule and each intervening element necessarily needs the other to be effective; the dosage, therefore, cannot be more than as a whole and complexly mixed. We are talking about 1 percent pancreatin, dimethicone, cellulase and dry extract of ox bile.

  • Pancreatin : An enzyme similar to pancreatic amylase that aids in the digestion of both protein and carbohydrates. In fact, it is part of the hydrolysis process, that is, breaking down the components to be digested into smaller units. We are in the presence of a vital component of the Enzymatic Espaven, since in cases of pancreatic insufficiency the patient does not have enough enzymes to carry the digestive processes forward effectively.
  • Ox bile dry extract: We know that fats do not mix with water and our intestines have large components of the latter, therefore, any lipid component must be emulsified (be part of another substance in an insoluble way) to be digested. The functionality of the bile comes into play there. There are, however, patients who do not have enough bile for this activity or the chemical components of it do not allow the processes to succeed. In these circumstances the exogenous bile helps the fats in the food to be emulsified and digested; otherwise it can lead to symptoms such as diarrhea, steatorrhea, bloating or stomach pain. This class of exogenous bile also serves for patients with their own in perfect condition in quantity and in their chemistry, although by ingesting very fatty foods they are in trouble.
  • Dimethicone:  This substance is vital when it comes to eliminating the typical feeling of bloating, bloating and flatulence. It is that Dimethicone reduces the surface tension between the fluids of the intestine. The corollary is that no bubbles are produced and gases can be eradicated more easily by dissolving.
  • Cellulase:  We are talking about an enzyme derived from the fungus  Aspergillus  niger. This enzyme helps digest the cellulose of plant fibers (compound carbohydrate). Many people have no problem with this thanks to the bacteria in the intestinal flora, however, symptoms such as bloating, flatus or stomach pain may appear because the fermentation of the fibers generates a lot of gas. Cellulase, although it sounds complex, helps in the hydrolysis of cellulose. The fibers will degrade even faster, as this enzyme is more effective than bacteria.

The drug, naturally, has certain contraindications such as hypersensitivity developed by any of its components, avoid use in cases of hepatitis or biliary obstruction, it cannot be mixed with alcohol because it decreases its effectiveness or use with caution if we are talking about patients who ingest ciprofloxacin, ranitidine, folic acid, famotidine, and phenytoin. The last list is much more extensive, which is equivalent to being well informed by the trusted doctor and always taking into account any parallel treatment that is carried out.

There are also certain side effects to be aware of:

  • As it is a local action treatment (digestive system), certain adverse reactions can occur at this level, such as diarrhea.
  • Allergic reactions may develop in patients due to the consumption of Enzyme Espavén, therefore, in this case, it is best to eliminate the dose and consult alternative treatments with professionals.
  • For both pregnancies and lactation processes there are no controlled clinical studies on the safety of the fetus, for this reason it is advisable to interrupt consumption at such a juncture, unless the solution cannot be found without this drug (a case in which the mother suffers from dyspepsia acute).

How do you take Enzymatic Espaven?

The presentation of this medicine is usually in layers with a good number of coated tablets (fifty is a usual number). Espaven cannot be consumed by children under 12 years of age. From this age it is recommended to consume one to two tablets before each meal, between two or three times a day depending on the state of the digestive disorder (something elucidated, naturally, by a professional doctor).

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It is important that the greens are well packaged, under room temperature and away from any children or pets. The ways to get rid of the drug must be rigorous, perfectly following a drug eradication protocol. Do not try to increase the dose if you forgot it before, since if it is close to the time of the next one you can continue normally.

Samantha Robson
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Dr. Samantha Robson ( CRN: 0510146-5) is a nutritionist and website content reviewer related to her area of ​​expertise. With a postgraduate degree in Nutrition from The University of Arizona, she is a specialist in Sports Nutrition from Oxford University and is also a member of the International Society of Sports Nutrition.

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