Clove is a kind of dried flower that comes from the clove or also scientifically known as  Syzygium aromaticum, a tree native to Indonesia that belongs to the Myrtaceae family . This spice contains properties that are ideal for keeping the body in perfect condition, which is why its use in cooking and medicine has become increasingly popular among people.

Thanks to the properties of cloves, it is often used to treat and alleviate various conditions such as headaches, respiratory problems, foot fungus, intestinal parasites, digestive problems, toothache, among other ailments.

Clove Uses: What Benefits Does Clove Offer?

Clove provides people with endless benefits, since thanks to the properties it contains, it is ideal for combating certain conditions. Among the benefits of cloves are the following:

Treat digestive problems

Clove has digestive properties and a substance known as eugenol, which make it a very useful spice to treat problems related to the digestive tract, such as heartburn or flatulence. That is why it is recommended to people who suffer from some of these symptoms, to prepare an infusion of cloves, since it will help to alleviate these discomforts.

Fight vaginal infections

Vaginal infections are a problem caused by fungi that affects some women, which is why it is essential to use certain products to end this condition. However, natural remedies are more recommended, one of them being cloves, which contains properties and substances that act on fungi and combat them.

Relieves pain in the neck

The clove infusion can be used as a mouthwash, as it contains properties that make it excellent for combating certain oral ailments such as toothaches, gums and prevents the formation of plaques.

Clove aphrodisiac properties: it is a good aphrodisiac

Clove has been used since ancient times as a natural aphrodisiac, as it contains properties that promote arousal and increase sexual desire. For this, it is recommended to prepare an infusion, since in this way this benefit will be better used.

Prevents aging

Clove is a great ally for people, since it helps them stay younger, this thanks to the fact that it has antioxidant properties, which help eliminate symptoms of age and thus prevent aging.

Helps treat airway problems

This spice is widely used by people to treat respiratory tract problems, since it contains expectorant properties that are ideal for eliminating mucus, phlegm and alleviating all those symptoms of the cold.

Fight foot fungus

Cloves are very useful to eliminate fungi that lodge in the feet, which cause a series of problems such as color changes in the nails or bad odor, that is why to maintain good hygiene, it is recommended to use this spice, as it contains fungicidal properties that are useful to combat this problem.

Helps improve blood circulation

The oil that is extracted from cloves is of great help to improve blood circulation, which considerably benefits the entire organism.

Clove properties

Clove contains a myriad of properties that give it such impressive medicinal power, among which are:

  • Antibacterial properties.
  • Anesthetic properties.
  • Aphrodisiac properties.
  • Analgesic properties.
  • Antispasmodic properties.
  • Stimulating properties.
  • Anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Antibiotic properties.

In addition, it presents within its composition certain nutrients that are important to keep the body in optimal conditions, among them are the following:

  • Manganese.
  • Magnesium.
  • Potassium.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids.
  • Vitamin B.
  • Vitamina K.

Clove culinary uses

Clove is a spice widely used in cooking, as it has a characteristic aroma and flavor, which is ideal for making both sweet and savory preparations. However, it is important not to exceed the quantities, because it leaves a strong, spicy and somewhat bitter taste.

In sweet recipes it can be found in:

  • Cakes
  • Cookies.
  • Preserves.

As for salty preparations, it is very good in:

  • Rice.
  • Meats.
  • Vegetables.
  • Sauces and dressings.

In addition to all these preparations, cloves are often used to prepare various drinks such as wines, punches, cocktails and herbal teas.

Clove medicinal uses: How to use it?

Clove provides many health benefits, which is why to take advantage of all these benefits, it can be used in infusions, creams and ointments. However, it is extremely necessary to do it with caution and in small doses, since an excess of it can cause some adverse reactions.

Clove infusions

For people who want to make a clove infusion, they will only need the following ingredients:

  • 3 cloves.
  • 1 cup of water.
  • Honey.

Preparation method:

To begin the preparation, you need to bring the cup of water to boil, once it is ready, mix with the 3 cloves, letting it rest for approximately 15 minutes. After the established time has passed, it should be sweetened with honey to taste and serve.

Clove ointment

Clove ointments are very useful for headaches. To do this, you just have to mix the ground cloves with salt and water, once it is ready, you proceed to massage the forehead or the place where you have the ailment.

Clove contraindications: For which cases is it not recommended?

There is no doubt that clove provides many health benefits, however its use is not recommended for all people, since it contains certain properties that can be toxic for them. That is why it is essential to see a doctor before using this spice, to know whether or not you can use it, this in order to avoid possible adverse reactions.

However, it is important to know that the use of cloves is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • People allergic to that spice.
  • Children under 12 years of age.
  • Pregnant women.
  • Lactating women.
  • Patients with bleeding disorders.
  • People who have had a recent surgery.
  • Patients with irritable bowel syndrome.
  • People with ulcerative colitis.
  • Those who suffer from any liver disease.
  • In cases of epilepsy.
  • People with gastritis or digestive ulcers.

In case of doubts or if you have a health problem, it is recommended to consult a doctor to see if it is safe to use.

Clove side effects

Clove can cause people who consume it some adverse reactions, especially if they misuse it, since as with any other food ingredient, an excessive intake of it can be counterproductive. Among the side effects that cloves can cause are the following:

  • Pain and bleeding in the gums.
  • Tooth pain
  • Allergies
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Difficulty breathing.
  • Throat pain.
  • Fluid imbalance.
  • Kidney and liver disorders.
  • Seizures
  • Loss of sensation.

If you have some of these symptoms when ingesting cloves, it is important to stop using this spice. In addition, if the discomfort is prolonged, you should go to a specialist in the health area to make a proper diagnosis and be treated.

Conclusion: Is it really advisable to use cloves?

Clove is a very beneficial spice for people, as it helps to keep the body in optimal condition, since thanks to its properties it is used to treat various conditions. However, it is important that it be used or consumed in moderation, because large amounts of it can cause a series of complications or adverse reactions in people’s health.

That is why it is essential to consult a specialist in the health area beforehand, since in this way you will know if its use is safe or not, in addition you can take into account all the indications established by the doctor, in order to avoid possible side effects.

Samantha Robson
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Dr. Samantha Robson ( CRN: 0510146-5) is a nutritionist and website content reviewer related to her area of ​​expertise. With a postgraduate degree in Nutrition from The University of Arizona, she is a specialist in Sports Nutrition from Oxford University and is also a member of the International Society of Sports Nutrition.

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