The chai tea  or also known as masala chai tea, tea is a native of India, being consumed in Asia about 4,000 years for its great medicinal properties, in addition to its delicious taste and smell. Chai tea is composed of several elements , specifically black tea and several species, among which are mentioned: ginger, cinnamon, cloves and black pepper.

Chai tea is used for many things, among which are: preventing cancer, preventing diabetes, improving digestion, losing weight, controlling anxiety, stress and nerves. Although it should also be mentioned that many people consume it not with the aim of exploiting its properties, but to enjoy a delicious tea, which has a quite pleasant aroma.

Benefits of consuming chai tea

The benefits of chai tea are many, in fact, at a historical level it is verifiable the great advantages that this infusion brings to health, since it has been used for approximately four thousand years on a medicinal level.

Being a combination of several species and added to black tea, it makes this infusion highly beneficial, since it combines the properties of all its ingredients, thus promoting the health of the person who consumes it. Among the main benefits of chai tea are:

It is an antioxidant

By uniting the various properties of all its ingredients, its antioxidant power is even more noticeable, which manages to promote the anti-aging process, since it minimizes damage to cells. Medicinally, it is said to be beneficial in preventing certain types of cancer, especially ovarian cancer and skin cancer.

Chai tea for weight loss is an excellent option

Among its many other benefits is the fact of promoting weight loss, since thanks to its components the acceleration of metabolism is achieved, which in turn is highly related to weight loss.

Favors digestion

Generally, most of the teas are very useful for digestion and chai tea is not a separate case. Thanks to the cinnamon, pepper and cardamom, it provides great digestive properties to this delicious tea.

It is anti-inflammatory

Thanks to the presence of ginger, chai tea has great anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties, this is highly favorable for those who suffer from arthritis.

It’s exhilarating

Since black tea has theine, it makes it highly stimulating, even many people tend to substitute coffee for tea, since they have the same effect and additionally it is much healthier and less addictive than coffee.

Fight halitosis

Halitosis among other causes is produced by the large amount of bacteria housed in the oral cavity, many times the fact of maintaining adequate dental hygiene and regular visits to the dentist are not enough for those who suffer from this condition.

That is why chai tea, thanks to its antibacterial properties, provides help to efficiently combat this problem.

Diabetes prevention

Thanks to the fact that chai tea favors the reduction and regulation of blood sugar levels, it is of great help to try to prevent this disease and stay healthy. Although it should be noted that it is not a magical effect and therefore, you will not be able to control large amounts of sugar.

Reduces risk of cancer

The chai tea has many antioxidant properties, which promotes cell regeneration, this in turn is favorable, combining it with other elements, if desired prevent certain cancers.

Fight anxiety and depression

The amount of caffeine present in chai tea helps to combat the symptoms of depression, and when combining the various species that are part of the tea, they provide a state of relaxation that is beneficial for those who suffer from anxiety or depression.

Chai tea ingredients and their properties

The chai tea is also composed of black tea, other species, thus giving a great benefit to medicinal level and thanks to all of these ingredients, it is excellent for controlling various ailments. The main ingredients of chai tea are the following:

  • Black tea : Black tea provides great antioxidant power, which promotes anti-aging and improves the cardiovascular system. Black tea is used as a general base and the strongest are usually used, so that the species does not exceed it in taste or smell.
  • Ginger : Ginger is very useful to reduce inflammation and is generally beneficial for those who suffer from arthritis. On the other hand, ginger also has antioxidant functions.
  • Cinnamon : Cinnamon is used to reduce and control blood sugar levels. It also has antioxidant and antibacterial properties.
  • Fennel: Fennel is highly rich in vitamin C, on the other hand, it is an antioxidant and contains a lot of fiber, which favors the digestive process in general.
  • Black pepper : Black pepper is able to prevent fats from being accumulated in the body, which is flattering for those who seek to lose weight.

How to prepare chai tea?

The chai tea can be prepared in many ways, on the one hand can be purchased on its packaging, to which only should be infused without exceeding 95 °, then it can be sweetened with honey or sugar, and some people choose to add a little milk to give it a particular flavor.

On the other hand, it can be prepared at home in the following way:


  • 2 tablespoons of black tea.
  • 1 tablespoon of cardamom.
  • 2 tablespoons of cinnamon.
  • 1 piece of fresh ginger.
  • 2 teaspoons of cloves.
  • 1 teaspoon of white pepper.
  • 1 liter of water.
  • Milk to taste


Mix the black tea together with the spices and place in a bowl with water. Later add the piece of ginger to the water; Once it is boiling, turn it off and let it rest for five minutes, then add milk to taste.

Chai tea side effects and its contraindications

In general, all drinks have some side effect, or on the other hand some contraindication that must be taken into account when ingesting the infusion. Chai tea contraindications include:

Lack of iron

Exaggerated consumption of chai tea , could produce iron deficiency. In addition, since it controls blood sugar levels, it is not recommended for people who have low levels, this because it could cause dizziness.

Pregnant women

In general, women who are pregnant or lactating should consult with their doctor about the foods and beverages they ingest, since in the case of Chai tea , some of its ingredients could have side effects.

In general terms, chai tea is widely used for its high antioxidant powers, thus promoting the prevention of cancer and other diseases. In addition, it has many other properties contained in its ingredients. This makes chai tea one of the most beneficial to health, since it combines all the properties of a wide variety of species.

Chai tea conclusion:

This tea is one of the best today, because being prepared with multiple ingredients many health benefits are obtained, therefore, it is totally advisable to consume it, but always in a moderate way, to avoid any side effects or addiction. , because having components similar to coffee, it can generate addiction in some cases.

Samantha Robson
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Dr. Samantha Robson ( CRN: 0510146-5) is a nutritionist and website content reviewer related to her area of ​​expertise. With a postgraduate degree in Nutrition from The University of Arizona, she is a specialist in Sports Nutrition from Oxford University and is also a member of the International Society of Sports Nutrition.

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