The lemon verbena  is a plant from South America, whose scientific name is Aloysia citrodora , it is also known as lemon verbena or Marialuisa and is characterized by its peculiar lemon aroma. It serves among other things to treat digestive disorders, stress, insomnia and even bad breath . From this plant both fresh and dried leaves are used, and its flowers are also used. It has multiple benefits which we invite you to know.

Benefits of the cedar

This aromatic plant provides many benefits for our health and in fact it has been used since ancient times for the resuscitation of physically downtrodden people. We present a list of the contributions of this plant for health:

  • It is quite useful for the expulsion of gases from the digestive tract, avoiding aerophagia and flatulence
  • It is effective in cases of indigestion, exerting a tonic-stomach, tranquilizing and digestive function, preventing dyspepsia and spasms.
  • The treatment of halitosis or bad breath provides excellent results.
  • It acts as a cleanser for the gastrointestinal system.

Decrease stress and anxiety

Just by taking an infusion a day you can reduce the symptoms caused by the accumulation of stress, as well as anxiety and nervousness. In turn, a smooth and positive response is generated to any situation that triggers stress.

Helps relieve pain

It acts as a natural reliever for any type of pain due to its linalol content which has anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic effects. It is very effective for pain in the digestive system or colic caused by kidney stones or in the gallbladder if ingested topically.

Cedron as an anticancer agent

It acts as a protector during cancer treatments, thanks to its high content of antioxidants, among which the flavonoid stands out, which is responsible for preventing cells with mutations from developing. Studies have shown that the consumption of this herb can reduce the risk of cancer. Its use today generates important effects with respect to chemotherapy and chemo-prevention.

Increase defenses

It raises neutrophils or white blood cells thanks to its antioxidant properties so that our body increases the ability to defend itself in case of infections.

The lemon verbena is used to combat insomnia

Thanks to its melatonin content, it helps regulate sleep, toning and relaxing the nerves. This hormone is what informs our body of the rhythm followed during the day to regulate and adjust it to it, and that is why by ingesting a cup of this herb infusion or adding it to water to bathe at night, an effective remedy is obtained. against insomnia.

Lemongrass helps eliminate acne

This being one of the skin diseases with the highest occurrence today, which affects both adolescents, young people and even adults. A study carried out indicates that lemon verbena oil contains properties that can repair acne, also improving the texture of our skin.

Cedron as an expectorant

By facilitating the expulsion of mucus found in the respiratory tract caused by viral diseases such as colds, flu or bronchitis. When it comes to coughing, this herb calms the irritable sensation that causes pain when swallowing and speaking.

Helps control allergies

It contains a natural antihistamine called citral, through which it helps prevent and control allergies that occur on the skin or those that cause breathing difficulties.

How is the lemon verbena prepared?

Its preparation is extremely simple, its fresh or dried leaves can be used to infuse it by adding 2 teaspoons of the herb to a cup of boiling water, let it cool and strain it. Two drops of lemon can be added to enhance its comforting and calming effect.

This herb has mild flavors and is delicate, so it is not advisable to boil it, preparing it as a tisane, as it oxidizes and tends to acquire an unpleasant taste. It is recommended as a digestive tea after meals to relieve stomach irritation or gas discomfort. It can also be used as a mouthwash for fresh breath.

Likewise, it can be combined with shakes by substituting water, for this you can liquefy a cup of lemon verbena water, a piece of mango and the pulp of a passion fruit until a homogeneous drink is obtained.

Another way is by adding its tender shoots to our salads obtaining a fresh and light flavor, thus its benefits are perceived in a unique and delicious way. This is the best way to consume it since its properties are transported directly.

Tea or cedar infusion

To prepare it in the form of tea or infusion, a sachet of this herb is required or, failing that, 1 large tablespoon if it is in bulk, weak mineralized water, sugar if you want to sweeten it (if the idea is to lose weight, you should not add sugar). The water is boiled, then the herb is added and allowed to infuse for 7 minutes. This way you are ready to drink it.

Lemon grass home remedies

Here are some home remedies that can be prepared with this herb and what they are used for:

  • Anxiety: add 15 drops of tincture of the herb in half a glass of water and take after the main meals.
  • Indigestion: add 1 tablespoon of this herb, 1 of lemon balm and 1 of anise seeds to a cup of boiling water, mix and cool for 5 minutes. It is filtered and taken after large meals.
  • Asthma: a crushed garlic clove is added to 1 cup of this herb infusion. Adults should take 3 cups daily and children half the dose.
  • Cough: in 50g of white wine, 25g of fresh leaves are macerated for 24 hours. On the other hand, 10 mint leaves and 130g of sugar are boiled in 80g of water until a thick syrup forms. Both preparations are mixed and 1 tablespoon is taken every 1-2 hours.
  • Neuralgia: 5 to 6 leaves of the herb should be boiled in 1 cup of water for 5 minutes. Cover, let it cool, strain and drink 1 cup twice a day.
  • Flatulence: in 1 cup of boiling water add 1 teaspoon of this herb and one of oregano. Cover it and let it rest for 6 minutes. It is taken after meals.
  • Insomnia: in 1 cup of boiling water, pour 1 tablespoon of the herb with one of lemon balm, cover and let it cool. A few drops of lemon are added and it is taken just before going to sleep.
  • Stress: A handful of grass blades are added to the water for bathing. Maniluviums and footbaths of 50g / l of water are recommended.

Active principles of lemon verbena

These are the components or active principles of this herb:

  • Flavonoids.
  • cummarinas.
  • Verbenona.
  • Essential oils with limonene, linalol, caryophyllene, citral and terpineol.

Properties of cedron

  • Antioxidant and anticancer.
  • Fungicidal and antibacterial.
  • Diuretic and digestive.
  • Antispasmodic.
  • Antiasthmatic and expectorant.
  • Antihistamines.
  • Hepato-protective
  • Carminativas.
  • Relaxing
  • Anti-inflammatory.

Uses of lemon verbena

  • Medicinal: it is rich in essential oils, it is rich in phenylpropanoids that act as antioxidants. Contains melatonin (natural relaxant) which promotes sleep.
  • Ornamental: it is cultivated as an aromatic plant in gardens and orchards.
  • Gastronomy: its dried leaves are used to give a citrus aroma in sauces, dressings and marinades. Also as a digestive and refreshing infusion.

Does lemon verbena fight bad breath?

It is effective to treat halitosis or bad breath, you should only do a mouthwash with an infusion of this herb and use it after brushing your teeth. Helps to get rid of bad breath and provides a fresh taste in the mouth.

Does lemon verb reduce stress?

Through its sedative effect, it helps to release the tension that routine implies, preventing anxiety attacks and stressful situations. Preferably it should be taken before bedtime and thus act as a relaxant inducing a peaceful sleep.

Side effects of lemon verbena

No adverse effects have been reported from the consumption of this herb, as long as it is in the right doses. However, it is important to note that contact with it could cause an allergic reaction in people sensitive to this species.

Contraindications of lemon verbena

The consumption of this herb is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • Pregnancy and lactation period.
  • It should not be consumed for more than two continuous weeks.
  • Kidney disease patients.
  • People allergic to its components.
  • Babies and children under 6 years of age.
  • People of the Third Age.
  • Patients with hypertension or problems in the nervous system.
  • Alcoholic people.


The lemon verbena is a plant with excellent properties applied not only in medicine but also in gastronomy. It has a pleasant aroma and both its leaves and its flowers are used. Initially it was used to revive people with physical decay and today it is used as an expectorant, mouthwash, natural relaxant, antibacterial, among many others.

Samantha Robson
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Dr. Samantha Robson ( CRN: 0510146-5) is a nutritionist and website content reviewer related to her area of ​​expertise. With a postgraduate degree in Nutrition from The University of Arizona, she is a specialist in Sports Nutrition from Oxford University and is also a member of the International Society of Sports Nutrition.

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