Cashews are nuts with a particular flavor that come from the western Anacardium tree , also known by the name of cashew or Indian nuts, which is native to the Amazon region but, today it is a highly appreciated fruit and consumed by worldwide, due to the multiple properties and benefits it provides.

These fruits are widely used in natural medicine to treat and prevent some ailments or diseases of the eye and skin, in addition, they help fight cancer, constipation, lower cholesterol and blood sugar, all this is possible thanks to the nutrients and properties found in its composition

Benefits of cashew

The cashew is a fruit that provides many benefits, since thanks to the variety of nutrients it has, it contributes to the proper functioning of the body, thus preventing various diseases or conditions. Among the most important benefits of this fruit are the following:

Helps lower blood cholesterol

The cashew is an ideal fruit for people who suffer from high cholesterol, since by containing unsaturated acids it allows regulating cholesterol and triglycerides, in addition, thanks to its antioxidants it helps the cardiovascular system to function properly, thus avoiding some heart diseases .

Take care of the skin and hair

The vitamin E contained in this fruit is essential for hair care, as it helps to keep it healthy and hydrated, it is also effective for the skin, since it allows to prevent or treat different dermatological conditions, thus allowing it to look in perfect condition and free of blemishes.

Fight constipation and diarrhea

The fiber contained in this fruit acts as a natural remedy against diarrhea, as it makes the intestines work properly. In addition, this high amount of fiber serves to relieve constipation, because it helps the bowel movement to act more fluidly.

Lowers blood sugar levels

Many studies have shown that this fruit, as it contains many properties, vitamins and minerals, serves to considerably lower blood sugar levels, which is very useful for people who suffer from diabetes and even to prevent this disease.

Protect the brain

The consumption of this dried fruit is ideal for the proper functioning of the nervous system, since as it contains magnesium it helps to increase the flow of oxygen, thus preventing some cerebrovascular disorders from arising.

Ideal for weight loss

Cashews are fruits that are characterized by having properties that promote the loss of body weight, this because they help to burn fat effectively; In addition, when people consume it they feel a sensation of satiety, which will avoid the anxiety of overeating, which is why it is very useful for those who want to lose weight.

Helpful for pregnant women

Women who are in condition should consume this fruit, since it provides them with all the nutrients they need for the proper development of the fetus, which allows the entire pregnancy process to be carried out in a healthy way.

Powerful aphrodisiac

Cashew oil is very popular in several regions for its aphrodisiac effect, this is because in its composition is zinc, a mineral that acts as a revitalizing and natural stimulant; thus helping both women and men to regain their sexual desire.

Helps prevent cancer

Medical studies have shown that consuming this fruit can help reduce the risk of suffering from cancer, this is mainly due to the fact that its composition contains flavonoids, antioxidants that serve to eliminate free radicals, which are responsible for damaging some organs of the body, thus causing these types of diseases.

Improves vision

The antioxidants and vitamins in this fruit help protect the retina from possible damage, which favors visual health in general, since in this way some types of problems and macular deterioration that arise from old age are avoided.

Cures anemia

This fruit contains a high percentage of iron, a mineral that is very beneficial for the body and especially for those who suffer from anemia, since this condition arises from a deficiency of this mineral.

Strengthens bones and muscles

Magnesium and calcium are two minerals found in this fruit, which are highly recommended and necessary for bones and muscles, so when consuming cashew nuts, it helps to strengthen them and prevent diseases such as osteoporosis.

Properties of cashew

This dried fruit contains a wide variety of nutrients, which make it a highly recommended and beneficial food for the body, since it helps to keep it healthier. Within its composition are the following vitamins:

  • Vitamins of group B (B1, B2, B3, B6).
  • C vitamin.
  • Vitamin E.
  • Vitamina K.

It also contains various very beneficial minerals for the body, among them are:

  • Iodine.
  • Potassium.
  • Match.
  • Football.
  • Iron.
  • Magnesium.
  • Copper.
  • Selenium.
  • Zinc.

In addition, it has many interesting and important properties for the optimal development of the organism, among which the following stand out:

  • Anti-inflammatory.
  • Antioxidants
  • Vasodilatadoras.
  • Antitrombóticas.

How to consume the cashew to take advantage of its properties?

The cashew is a highly valued fruit in the kitchen, since it is used as a companion to many salty dishes and as an ingredient in the preparation of different recipes, among which the following stand out:

  • Juices
  • Wines
  • Vinegars.
  • Cookies.
  • Jellies
  • Chocolates.
  • Jams
  • Cakes
  • Salads

It is important to note that this fruit should be consumed only if it has undergone due processing, in addition, it should never be ingested raw, since the peel it contains is toxic and can bring complications.

Contraindications to cashew

The consumption of cashew nuts is very healthy, however, like any other food, it can cause negative health symptoms if it is consumed in an exaggerated way. Therefore, it is extremely important to be careful with its consumption, especially in case of suffering from the following:

  • Stomach diseases
  • Allergies to components of the fruit.

In addition, it is necessary that young children do not eat this fruit, since it could be counterproductive, because being difficult to chew, infants could suffer from choking, it can also cause allergies and stomach disorders.

What are the side effects of consuming too much cashew?

Before ingesting this fruit, it is necessary to take into account that an excessive consumption of it can cause negative health effects in some cases, therefore, due precaution must be taken not to suffer the following:

  • Inflammations in the mouth.
  • Skin rash.
  • Stomach pains
  • Vomiting and diarrhea.
  • Difficulty breathing.
  • Nasal congestion.
  • Chest pain.

If the consumer comes to witness some of these symptoms, he should immediately consult a specialist to be treated, in addition, it is very important to avoid eating the fruit again.

Conclusion, is cashew really recommended?

Cashews are highly nutritious fruits and their consumption provides many health benefits, this because they prevent and combat different diseases or ailments, therefore, their intake is highly recommended, as long as it is in moderation.

It should be noted that at the time of protecting health, no prevention is little, so it is extremely necessary to take the appropriate measures and remember that all foods, no matter how beneficial they are, if consumed in an exaggerated way can become harmful to the body .

Samantha Robson
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Dr. Samantha Robson ( CRN: 0510146-5) is a nutritionist and website content reviewer related to her area of ​​expertise. With a postgraduate degree in Nutrition from The University of Arizona, she is a specialist in Sports Nutrition from Oxford University and is also a member of the International Society of Sports Nutrition.

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