Blackthorn is a tropical fruit that comes from the prunus spinosa tree  , which is also known as spider or wild plum. This fruit, when ripe, usually has a bluish or blackish color, in addition, it has a fairly small size, since it only measures 9 to 11 millimeters and its flavor is bittersweet, a factor that has made it popular in certain areas of the world, since its flavor can be considered as something unique.

The blackthorn fruit is undoubtedly special, since it not only has a unique flavor, but also has properties that make it a useful fruit to treat and prevent various things, such as: preventing anemia, reducing the effects of aging , lower blood glucose levels, increase defenses, reduce the effects of menopause and improve the general health of the skin. On the other hand, it is important to note that this fruit is very useful in the kitchen, since it is used to prepare jams, sweets, juices and liqueurs.

Blackthorn benefits

Blackthorn is a fruit that provides many health benefits and among the most outstanding, the following can be mentioned:

They help prevent and reduce anemia

Thanks to the high content of potassium, iron and calcium that this fruit has, it is very beneficial to strengthen the body and thus provide prevention against diseases such as anemia. Therefore, the consumption of this fruit is recommended to people who suffer from anemia or would like to prevent this condition, in case of having factors that influence the appearance of this disease.

Reduces the effects of aging

Among the properties of blackthorn, is the antioxidant property, which is very useful to reduce the action of free radicals, thus strengthening cell regeneration and preventing damage to them. This translates as a reduction in the effects of aging.

Serves as an anti-inflammatory

The consumption of blackthorn provides anti-inflammatory properties in the body, which is why its consumption is recommended in cases of discomfort due to some type of inflammation, especially in abdominal inflammations, which are generated by poor digestion.

It is useful to combat constipation

Due to the high fiber content of this fruit, it can be used as a laxative, which will help reduce constipation problems, thus improving intestinal health. On the other hand, it should be mentioned that this fruit has other properties that help to have a better digestion, a factor that also helps to combat constipation.

It increases the body’s defenses

The vitamin C content of the blackthorn will provide an increase in the body’s defenses, which in turn means having better health and a reduction in ailments such as flu and colds in a totally natural way.

Reduce symptoms of menopause

Those women who suffer from the symptoms of menopause can take infusions of this fruit or consume it naturally, in order to achieve a reduction in them. From hot flashes, redness on the skin, chills, to depression and insomnia, they can be calmed and partially or totally reduced with this fruit, so in these cases its consumption is recommended.

Helps reduce skin problems

This fruit has a large amount of vitamin C, which is very good for caring for and treating skin problems. Among the skin problems that can be treated with this fruit, are the following: pimples, acne, burns and cuts. It is worth mentioning that to obtain these benefits, it is best to make a cream and place it on the area to be treated.

Blackthorn properties

The blackthorn contains many elements in its composition and thanks to the combination of all of them, this fruit has the following properties:

  • Diuretic properties.
  • Antioxidant properties.
  • Anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Astringent properties.
  • Antibacterial properties.

On the other hand, in addition to containing various beneficial properties, they provide a high content of minerals and vitamins that provide many benefits to the person who consumes it. Among the most important minerals and vitamins, the following stand out:

  • C vitamin.
  • Fiber.
  • Iron.
  • Football.
  • Potassium.

Finally, it should be mentioned that this fruit has a high level of water, which is always good for the body.

Ways to consume blackthorn to take advantage of all its properties

The most common way to consume blackthorn is in its natural state, since it is the only way to take advantage of all its properties 100%, however, its consumption in this state tends to have a very acidic and bitter taste.

On the other hand, there are other ways to consume this fruit, one of the most popular are liqueurs made with blackthorn, as well as jams made with this fruit. They are also often added in sweets, such as cakes or ice cream.

Contraindications of blackthorn consumption

Blackthorn is a fruit that has many health benefits, however, its consumption could be contraindicated in some cases. Among the contraindications that the consumption of blackthorn has, the following stand out:

People suffering from gastritis

Blackthorn contains tannins, which can cause gastric irritation if consumed too frequently. Therefore, consuming sloes too frequently can increase the risk of suffering from gastritis or conversely, people who suffer from this disease may witness an increase in symptoms and greater complications.

That is why the consumption of blackthorn is not recommended in people who suffer from gastritis, heartburn or any other gastric disease.

Pregnant or breastfeeding women

Due to the high tannin content of this fruit, it is recommended that it not be ingested while pregnant or breastfeeding, since its consumption could produce adverse effects. Therefore, it is recommended to consult a doctor before, so that he prohibits or not its consumption.

Side effects

The consumption of blackthorn could cause some side effects, they will depend on the person, since each organism is different. The most common side effects are:


Blackthorn can cause dermatitis in some people due to direct contact with the fruit or leaves of the plant.

Allergic reactions

Some people may have some type of allergic reaction, such as redness, vomiting, burning, itching, among other effects, after consuming blackthorn, especially if they suffer from allergies to some Rosaceae family plants.


Vomiting may occur due to irritation of the gastric mucosa, since blackthorn has a high tannin content, which in some people can cause this effect. Therefore, it is always recommended that the consumption of this fruit be moderate.

Is the blackthorn an ideal fruit for the day to day?

The consumption of sloes is highly recommended for health and even beauty, since it has many properties, vitamins and minerals that make this fruit an excellent option for consumption and application.

On the other hand, it must be taken into account which are the components of this fruit, to be attentive to possible allergies, in addition, contraindications must be considered and finally, remember that the consumption of this fruit should be done in a moderate way, since a excessive consumption can cause side effects.

Samantha Robson
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Dr. Samantha Robson ( CRN: 0510146-5) is a nutritionist and website content reviewer related to her area of ​​expertise. With a postgraduate degree in Nutrition from The University of Arizona, she is a specialist in Sports Nutrition from Oxford University and is also a member of the International Society of Sports Nutrition.

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