Alfalfa is a plant that has long been used as a food and also as a medicine. Initially it was used by Asians, but its use has spread to other continents. Thanks to the fact that it is an important source of vitamins such as A, C, E and K4, in addition to containing other nutrients and minerals, it is used for the treatment of many conditions.

Not only can we use its leaves, but the seeds and sprouts are useful. It is used to treat from kidney diseases, diabetes, prevent strokes, to relieve the discomfort of menopause and menstrual cramps. Its content of vitamins and minerals contribute to the growth of bones and keep our body healthy.

Benefits of alfalfa

This plant is used for the treatment of various health conditions, in fact, it is widely used in the area of ​​alternative medicine due to the multiple benefits it offers. Meet some of them:

  • It is widely used to treat diseases of the excretory system (bladder, prostate, kidneys), and especially when seeking increased urine flow.
  • It is also used to attack stomach upset and bleeding disorder.
  • It improves our cardiovascular health, reducing blood cholesterol levels.
  • It allows a better functioning of the digestive tract.
  • It is very effective against diabetes, osteoporosis, asthma and osteoarthritis.
  • Strengthens our immune system.
  • It is used in the treatment of whooping cough.
  • Combat states of anorexia and malnutrition.
  • Lower the fever.
  • By including it in our diet, we can prevent the risk of suffering from cancer.
  • It is also known for its antioxidant properties which helps in the prevention of arteriosclerosis.
  • It is known as a natural blood thinner.
  • It contains thyrotropin, a hormone that stimulates the thyroid gland.

Benefits of Alfalfa to lose weight

Thanks to the fact that it improves our digestion and helps to eliminate uric acid, this plant is the perfect ally in a cleansing diet which will help you detoxify your body and at the same time lose weight. We present some of its advantages when it comes to losing weight:

  • Contains phyto-estrogens that promote estrogenic activity, preventing menopause and overweight.
  • It notably improves the motility of our intestines due to its high fiber content, generating a feeling of satiety.
  • Its purifying qualities allow to counteract the excess of triglycerides, cholesterol and uric acid in our body.
  • Control blood glucose levels.
  • It is rich in phyto-nutrients and antioxidants

Benefits of Alfalfa for hair

Thanks to the fact that this plant contains vitamins B1 and B6, it promotes healthy hair growth, vitamin C improves blood circulation in the scalp and the antioxidant action that occurs in the hair follicles and vitamin E increases oxygen absorption. also helping in the circulation of the scalp. The minerals (iron, calcium and zinc) stimulate growth and contribute to the prevention and reduction of hair loss.

Benefits of Alfalfa for the skin

This plant has excellent properties for treating the skin, improving it from the inside, all thanks to the amount of nutrients it contains. It works as a cleaner of impurities, by decomposing carbon dioxide reducing the action of anaerobic bacteria and fighting infections.

It favors the health of our skin through enzymes and vitamin A, which allow the maintenance of healthy and glowing skin. In addition, it prevents our skin from drying out, improving the complexion and its texture.

Benefits of Alfalfa for anemia

This plant is really useful in the treatment against anemia because it reduces the degree of blood insufficiency. It is used especially to treat the types of anemia that are characterized by basic levels of hypovitaminosis and iron deficiency. It provides great benefits that aid in the treatment.

One of the vitamins it contains is K, an essential vitamin in the clotting process. In addition, it is quite useful for treating both deficiency anemias, in which hematocrit and hemoglobin levels are really low and associated with nutritional deficits, such as hemorrhagic anemias. Its use in the treatment of bleeding is also important.

Benefits of Alfalfa for breastfeeding

Although the exact relationship between the consumption of this plant and breastfeeding has not been determined exactly, there are studies that indicate that alfalfa has galactogenic properties, which in other words indicates that it promotes the production of breast milk. However, there are those who consider it high risk so they recommend avoiding its use during breastfeeding.

Properties of alfalfa

This plant is highly valued due to the amount of benefits it offers us, as well as the multiple properties it possesses, among which are:

  • Antipirética
  • Anticancerígena
  • Antihemorrágica
  • Cardiotonic
  • Fungicide
  • Antioxidant
  • Antibacterial
  • Diuretic
  • Emetics
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Antispasmodic
  • Stomach
  • Immunostimulating
  • Antidiabetic / hypoglycemic
  • Antiviral
  • Antirheumatic

How to consume alfalfa?

In view of the fact that it is an edible plant and also very nutritious, we can consume its sprouts and even its sprouts in salads, sandwiches, juices and infusions, its stem and root are also edible. One of its great advantages is that sprouts are eaten fresh, that is, they do not require cooking.

In the case of its leaves, they can be used to prepare green salads, in stews, soups or in purees. You can also make an infusion, for this you only have to add a small spoonful of cut leaves in 200 ml of boiling water, then cover it and let it rest for 5 minutes, before ingesting it you must strain it and that’s it.

As a medicinal plant

Its uses as a medicinal plant are multiple due to its wonderful properties and healing applications. Meet some of them:

  • It is purifying: this extraordinary plant is one of the best options when you are looking to eliminate toxins from the body thanks to its purifying properties. Lowers blood pressure and cholesterol level, improving metabolism. Consuming this plant improves our physical and mental performance. For them you can ingest a decoction of its tender leaves in water.
  • Revitalizes: through its content of minerals, vitamins and proteins. Thanks to its composition, its use is recommended for those suffering from anemia or fatigue. In this case it can be ingesting it in the form of a germ or its sprouts.
  • As a laxative: promoting digestion thanks to its fiber content. It is used as a mild laxative.

In capsules

Another way to consume it is under the presentation of capsules or tablets, obtaining its benefits daily and in a practical way. These can be found in naturopathic pharmacies or herbalists and their daily dose is commonly 500 mg divided into 3 or 6 capsules depending on the condition to be treated. These capsules are used to:

  • Reduce bad cholesterol levels.
  • To maintain healthy hair, skin and nails.
  • Mitigate hot flashes that occur during menopause.
  • Prevent hair loss.
  • Treatment for osteoporosis
  • General restorative.

Alfalfa and pineapple water

It is recommended for the treatment of anemia. You should only blend a handful of this plant with 1 slice of pineapple, water and honey to taste. It is recommended to drink it every morning.

In juice

In this way it provides large amounts of nutrients without increasing the calorie content, 2 ounces of this juice have only 38 calories, 1.14 grams of total fat and no cholesterol. Consuming alfalfa juice is an excellent natural remedy for treating hair loss and baldness. In addition, being a source of vitamins contributes to improving the health of our hair and our body in general.


Although it is a natural remedy that serves to treat various conditions, its use should be done in moderation because an excess in its consumption could trigger consequences such as the breakdown of erythrocytes causing failures in the circulatory system and in turn in our body. In addition, you should not consume it if you have an allergy to legumes.

It is also important to consider that the consumption of this plant can present interactions with other medications such as anticoagulants, estrogens, oral contraceptives, immunosuppressants and other medications that produce photosensitization.

Alfalfa, a plant with many benefits.

In conclusion, we could say that thanks to the infinity of benefits it grants to our health, we must include it in our diet, under the presentation or preparation that you like the most, considering that in the case of sprouts, it is best to eat them fresh.

Samantha Robson
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Dr. Samantha Robson ( CRN: 0510146-5) is a nutritionist and website content reviewer related to her area of ​​expertise. With a postgraduate degree in Nutrition from The University of Arizona, she is a specialist in Sports Nutrition from Oxford University and is also a member of the International Society of Sports Nutrition.

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